Relaxing by Coloring Your Favorite Powerful Girls
This book is a celebration in honor of any women and girl of the world, to their differences and equalities, to their peculiarities and personal traits.
With this portrait collection of any day women, the Author and Illustrator, Mark Terenziani, has wanted to collected, describe and enhanced the essence of women from different ethnicity and background.
With its sharp edges and its block colors, Mark’s illustrations are finely defining and characterizing the female figure in a very original and unique way.
Part of the Royalties earned by this Book will be donated to empower women in poor condition, allowing them to have a comfortable place to stay with their children or alone. For more info about our Friends Projects please check the Publisher Web Site:
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To know more about Mark Terenziani and his works, please check his profile on Amazon Author Central by clicking on his avatar near the title of the book or contact the publisher.